“You are what you EAT!” Face it…on your face! Screeecch!! We say hold those sugary sweet donuts and lollies, even the spicy chillies, before they go breakin’ your hearts lovelies. Awww…you can give yourself 101 reasons to sink your teeth into every sweet or spicy kicks…they are not something to die for…literally. (Ok, if that irresistible chocolate bar is calling you…for once…it’s good to go to the dark side). Now, brace yourself for the chilling bits coming up…

Sugar (oh naughty, naughty…) messes with blood sugar and insulin levels which can weaken the skin by affecting tissues like collagen, accelerating the skin’s aging process. It makes skin drier, leaving you with more lines and wrinkles, as well as acne-like symptoms.

Next, are you a Spice Girl? Watch out! There’s danger in your soup! Before you dash or dollop a variety of spices to amp up your food, hold your horses! Spicy foods can dilate blood vessels, aggravate the skin and cause redness and facial flushing. (…did you just tear?) Spices can trigger an allergy – relatively begin with symptoms like sneezing, hives or itching. Did we just hear the itch is getting worst? There are also other foods like shellfish, milk, alcohol, and high glycemic foods (eg. pastas and cakes) that can be bad for your skin, as well as the many other substances and situations that people are being exposed to daily. These can all lead to dry, rough, itchy and sensitive skin, with common skin ailments like eczema, psoriasis and acne that people of all ages are susceptible to. Hence, be it food or even medicine, sometimes they may cause a reaction to the skin, especially for people who suffer from allergies.

Furthermore, external forces like our ‘false’ seasons of weather – very hot complexion-melting ‘summer’, or the ‘wet-winter’ sudden ‘rumbling’ roaring clasps of Thor-ing thunder with airships-hidden-in-dark-clouds and tears of gods downpouring, drenching the humans while the cats and dogs are in their safe havens (Ok…think you get the picture here! Blame the itchhh!) – are guilty of causing stress and irritation on our sun-kissed skin. What’s more, the recurring haze with its harmful pollutants is like ‘Sugar on top’.

RESIST the urge to scrub off the unwelcomed pesky grimes under hot running water after your outdoor activities – no matter how soothing and relaxing it may seem. Hot water strips away the protective layer which moisturises the skin, drying it up and potentially causing more cumulative damage to the skin in the long run. And what’s more enticing after a hot bath than to hide and chill in your cosy air-conditioned room?! Despite this, the cool air saga continues into the work space, play areas etc…a never-ending drying process on the skin. (Going weak in the knees? Unfathomable…don’t you agree?)







